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Commission requests are welcome. Please use the Commission Request Form to begin the conversation or email Due to limited capacity Heather prefers to work by the Collection Model.

Commissions are completed for an individual person. The specifications of the project are determined collectively by the artist and the patron. Heather is responsible for executing the vision. Up to 2 changes can be made under the commission agreement without impact to the agreed upon price. The sale of the physical artwork does not include the right to print reproductions for any reason whatsoever. Heather, as the artist and business owner, retain the copyright at all times. Heather chooses not to print reproductions of Commissioned work.

Collection Model

The Collection Model is a way of working on multiple pieces with a common thread at one time. The work is completed by a certain date and released as a cohesive group. Heather retains ownership of the copyright at all times. After the original artwork is purchased, printed reproductions may become available.

Collections are completed for a group of people. The specifications of the project are determined by Heather, as the artist, each piece in the collection is fully her creative vision. Paintings included in a Collection will be offered as printed reproductions after the originals have been sold. In the Collection Model Heather retains all creative liberty and the artwork is available on a first come first serve basis.

Sales and promotions

Sales and Promotions are not offered. Giving is one of the most important pillars of Heather Opal Artwork. By supporting Heather’s business, you support Heather’s mission to Share Love through the Act of Giving, through but not limited to the Heather Opal Heart Fund.

Heather Opal Heart Fund

Annually, Heather donates 100% of a full collection of paintings to a local family experiencing devastating hardship. It is vital we understand our time together on this earth are limited. Banding together to show someone we may not know personally, but still feel the sting of grief because of our own shared experience is the greatest purpose of Heather’s work.